Found 193 results

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Alberto GARCÍA-TERESA (2021).  Degradación y desaparición. Quimera Revista de literatura.    Download:  DeprisaGraham_QUIMERAmarzo2021.pdf 
Antonio ORTEGA (2020).  Enfermedad planetaria. EL PAÍS. Abstract
Andrea Galgano (2019).  L’oltre-tempo di Jorie Graham. Cronache Lucane.    Download:  Andrea Galgano, Un-viaggio-oltre-tempo-lirico-con-Jorie-Graham-Cronache-Lucane-19-ottobre-2019.pdf 
Alberto FRACCACRETA (2019).  Jorie Graham: «La poesia e le seduzioni del postumano». Avvenire.    Download:  Avvenire - Interview of 24 settembre 2019.pdf 
Andrew Osborn (2019).  Jorie Graham, Fast. Chicago Review. 62(01/02/03), 
Antonella Francini (2018).  «A cast of characters in an unnegotiable drama»: la voce del vento e il lamento dell’oceano. Semicerchio.    Download:  Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata no. 58-59 (2018) FRANCINI.pdf 
Adam Fitzgerald (2017).  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation. The New York Times Book Review.    Download:  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation - The New York Times.pdf 
Ángel Rupérez (2014).  Poesía no apta para holgazanes. EL PAÍS.
Antonio Luis Ginés (2014).  Corriente que fluye. Diario Córdoba.
Antonella Francini (2013).  Premio Nonino a Jorie Graham Il suo «Place» è poesia civile di denuncia e di speranza . l'Unita.    Download:  graham_l_unita_2013.pdf 
anon. (2002).  Jorie Graham (1950 - ). Poetry Foundation. Abstract
Altieri, Charles (1998).  Jorie Graham and Ann Lauterbach: Towards a Contemporary Poetics of Eloquence. Cream City Review. 12(Summer), 45-72.
Bernard, April (2016).  The Dream Behind the Wall of Words. The New York Review of Books. 62(OCTOBER 13), 
Biedrzycki, Miłosz, Chruściel, Ewa (2012).  Wiersz jest doświadczeniem pierwotnym.
Blackie, Sharon (2012).  Nie wolno nam utracić zdolności wychwalania.
Baker, Timothy C. (2006).  Praying to an Absent God: The Poetic Revealings of Simone Weil. Culture, Theory, & Critique. 47(2), 133-147. Abstract
Bedient, Calvin (2005).  A State of Emergency. The Boston Review.
Burt, Stephen (2005).  "Tell them 'no'": Jorie Graham's Poems of Adolescence. Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Bedient, Calvin (2005).  Toward a Jorie Graham Lexicon. Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Byrne, Edward (2004).  Jorie Graham: Never. Valparaiso Poetry Review. 5,
Bedient, Calvin (1998).  Like a Chafing of the Visible. Salmagundi.
Bernard, April (1997).  Modernist Conveniences. The New York Times.
Burt, Stephen (1996).  The more she disapears. Times Literary Supplement.
Baker, David (1994).  The Push of Reading. Kenyon Review. 16(4), 
Bedient, Calvin (1994).  Postlyrically Yours: A Review of Materialism. Threepenny Review.
Bedient, Calvin (1990).  Kristeva and Poetry as Shattered Signification. Critical Inquiry. 16(4), 807-829.
Christopher Kempf (2023).  Jorie Graham: To 2040. Preposition.
Christian Wessels (2023).  Just Now and Gone: On Jorie Graham’s “To 2040”. Cleveland Review of Books.
Carol Muske-Dukes (2023).  Jorie Graham, looking to the future, has a warning for us. The Washington Post.
Chadwick Jenkins (2017).  Pulitzer Prize Winner Jorie Graham's Collection of Poetry, 'Fast', Will Haunt You, Beautifully.
Christopher Nelson (2017).  A Review of Jorie Graham’s fast. Under a Warm Green Linden.
Christian Harder (2015).   Book review (Poetry): 'From the New World: Poems 1976-2014'. Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Craig Morgan Teicher (2015).  Jorie Graham’s ‘From the New World’. The New York Times Book Review.
Caterina Ricciardi (2014).  Graham, i luoghi come riscatto. Alias Domenica :: Supplemento Settimanale de "Il Manifesto".    Download:  20140413_187373139.pdf 
Claudio Magris (2013).  La poesia ricuce il mondo. Corriere della Sera .    Download:  121324389-CLAUDIO-MAGRIS-Su-Jorie-Graham-Corriere-Della-Sera-20-01-2013.pdf 
Chaberski, Mateusz (2013).  W poszukiwaniu doświadczenia między słowami.
Calvin Bedient (2012).  Infected by Time. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Chruściel, Ewa (2012).  Poeta jest kanarkiem w kopalni.
Chruściel, Ewa (2009).  Na granicy poznania, zawsze pomiędzy – o poezji Jorie Graham. FRAZA. NR 65-66,
Caldwell, Roger (2003).  At a suitable distance. Times Literary Supplement.
Costello, Bonnie (1997).  The Errancy: Review. The Boston Review.
Cahill, Timothy (1996).  Daring to Live in the Details. Christian Science Monitor. 88,
Costello, Bonnie (1992).  The Big Hunger. The New Republic. 4.
Costello, Bonnie (1992).  Jorie Graham: Art and Erosion. Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 373-395.
David Naimon (2021).  Between the Covers Podcast | Jorie Graham : Runaway. Tin House.
Duffy, Timothy (2017).  “No, this was all first person”: Revisiting Jorie Graham’s Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts. Empty Mirror.
Dan Chiasson (2015).  Beautiful Lies, The poetry of Jorie Graham.. The New Yorker.
Dwight Gardner (2015).  In Jorie’s Graham’s ‘From the New World,’ Flux Is a Whirling Constant. The New York Times.
Dan Chiasson (2012).  The Actual Hawk, the Real Tree. New York Review of Books. 59,    Download:  NY Review of Books _ PLACE _ 9.27.12.pdf 
David Michah Greenberg (2012).  The Suffering of Others. Boston Review. 37(6),