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Matthew Ritger (2015).  Matthew Ritger on From the New World :: The Charges. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Katie Peterson (2015).  An Extra Life - Jorie Graham's From the New World. Boston Review.
Bernard, April (2016).  The Dream Behind the Wall of Words. The New York Review of Books. 62(OCTOBER 13), 
Galgano, Andrea (2017).  Il posto di Jorie Graham. Frontiera di Pagine: saggi critici di psicologia dell’arte, poesia e letteratura. 2, 793-799.   Download:  Andrea Galgano, Il posto di Jorie Graham, in Frontiera di pagine II, Aracne, Roma 2017, pp. 793-800.pdf 
Duffy, Timothy (2017).  “No, this was all first person”: Revisiting Jorie Graham’s Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts. Empty Mirror.
Lau, David (2017).  Here There Be Monsters. Bookforum. 024(03),  Abstract    Download:  BF 917 Lau.pdf 
Galleymore, Isabel (2017).  Posthuman Poetics. The London Magazine. Abstract    Download:  20171004101940242.pdf 
Fan, Kit (2017).  Tremors and Electricity. The Poetry Review. 107(Autumn),    Download:  PoetryReview20170904-JorieGraham.pdf 
JUSTIN COBER-LAKE (2018).  Fast: by Jorie Graham. Graham continues her run as one of the poets with whom we most need to reckon..
Edemariam, Aida (2017).  Jorie Graham: ‘I am living in the late season, but it has its songs, too’. The Guardian (UK).    Download:  20171201_JorieGraham_GuardianUK_Interview.pdf 
London Buddhist Centre, poetryEast (2018).  poetryEast with Jorie Graham.
Lidija Haas (2020).  New Books [Reviews]. Harper's.    Download:  HarpersMagazine-2020-09-0088126.pdf 
Jeff Gordinier (2020).  In Jorie Graham’s Poetry, the End of Days and the Pleasures of the Flow. New York Times Book Review.
Editor(s) (2020).  Runaway - Jorie Graham (* Starred Review). Publisher's Weekly.
Jericho Brown, Jorie Graham (2020).  Jorie Graham presents "Runaway" with Jericho Brown (VIDEO).
Antonio ORTEGA (2020).  Enfermedad planetaria. EL PAÍS. Abstract
Santos Domínguez (2020).  Jorie Graham. Deprisa. ENCUENTROS DE LECTURAS.
Juan Marqués (2020).   “Deprisa” de Jorie Graham. LAS LIBRERÍAS RECOMIENDAN.
Rachel Hadas (2020).  Lightning in a bottle. The Times Literary Supplement.    Download:  2020TLS_GrahamRunawayHADAS.pdf 
Nathaniel Rosenthalis (2020).   On Runaway by Jorie Graham. Kenyon Review.
Sara Judy (2020).  What Survives: A Review of Jorie Graham’s Runaway. EcoTheo Review.
Roberto Galaverni (2020).  Epopea americana in forma di fiume. Corriere della Sera - La Lettura.    Download:  2020_Corriere_dellaSera_JG_Fast.pdf 
Antonella Francini (2018).  «A cast of characters in an unnegotiable drama»: la voce del vento e il lamento dell’oceano. Semicerchio.    Download:  Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata no. 58-59 (2018) FRANCINI.pdf 
Andrea Galgano (2019).  L’oltre-tempo di Jorie Graham. Cronache Lucane.    Download:  Andrea Galgano, Un-viaggio-oltre-tempo-lirico-con-Jorie-Graham-Cronache-Lucane-19-ottobre-2019.pdf 
Alberto FRACCACRETA (2019).  Jorie Graham: «La poesia e le seduzioni del postumano». Avvenire.    Download:  Avvenire - Interview of 24 settembre 2019.pdf 
Alberto GARCÍA-TERESA (2021).  Degradación y desaparición. Quimera Revista de literatura.    Download:  DeprisaGraham_QUIMERAmarzo2021.pdf 
Zakary Sonntag (2021).  Time on the Mind: A Review of Jorie Graham’s Runaway. Under a Warm Green Linden.
Robert Macfarlane (2022).  TO THE LAST BE HUMAN. [To] The Last [Be] Human. xv-xix.   Download:  Introduction_To the Last Be Human.pdf 
Kate Kellaway (2022).   [To] The Last [Be] Human by Jorie Graham review – where angels fear to write. The Guardian.
Mercedes O'Leary (2022).  Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality | The Rumpus Interview With Jorie Graham. The Rumpus.
Elisa Gabbert (2022).  An Eco-Conscious Poet Whose Real Subject Is Consciousness Itself. The New York Times Book Review.
John James (2022).  Heavied with Endgame: On Jorie Graham’s “[To] the Last [Be] Human”. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Katy Waldman (2023).  Jorie Graham Takes the Long View. The New Yorker.    Download:  Jorie Graham Takes the Long View_The New Yorker202301.pdf 
Kerry Howley (2023).  Jorie Graham's Late Work. New York Magazine.    Download:  Jorie Graham’s Late Work.pdf 
Andrew Osborn (2019).  Jorie Graham, Fast. Chicago Review. 62(01/02/03), 
Christopher Kempf (2023).  Jorie Graham: To 2040. Preposition.
Rebecca Tamás (2023).  The best recent poetry – review roundup. The Guardian (UK).
Jesse Nathan (2023).  Short Conversations with Poets: Jorie Graham. McSweeney's.
Christian Wessels (2023).  Just Now and Gone: On Jorie Graham’s “To 2040”. Cleveland Review of Books.
Jill Radsken (2023).  Jorie Graham confronts past, present, and future. The Harvard Gazette.
Carol Muske-Dukes (2023).  Jorie Graham, looking to the future, has a warning for us. The Washington Post.
Justin Cober-Lake (2018).  Fast: by Jorie Graham. Spectrum Culture.