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- Overlord
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- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
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- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
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- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
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- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
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Found 193 results
Celebrating a World in Danger.
Boston Review. 27(Oct/Nov),
Indigo, Cyanide, Beryl: Review of Never.
London Review of Books.
(2002). 2003
Jorie Graham's ____s.
PMLA. 118(2),
Jorie Graham's End of Beauty and a Fresh Look at Modernism.
Southwest Review. 88(2-3), 335-349.
At a suitable distance.
Times Literary Supplement.
Repetition and Singularity.
The Kenyon Review. 25(2), 149-168.
The Art of Poetry No. 85.
The Paris Review. Abstract
(2003). 2004
Poets Q&A | Smartish Pace (a poetry review).
Jorie Graham: Never.
Valparaiso Poetry Review. 5,
(2004). 2005
"Tell them 'no'": Jorie Graham's Poems of Adolescence.
Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
American Poetry and Jorie Graham.
Contemporary Literature. 46(4), 667-687.
Fission and Fusion Both Liberate Energy: James Merrill, Jorie Graham, and the Metaphoric Imagination.
Twentieth Century Literature.
Toward a Jorie Graham Lexicon.
Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Overlord - Review.
Harvard Review.
Overlord: A Review.
The Liberal.
The Great American Desert.
The New Criterion. 23,
A State of Emergency.
The Boston Review.
Jorie Graham's "new way of looking".
How Poets See the World: The Art of Description in Contemporary Poetry.
(2005). 2006
Review: Jorie Graham Talking.
The Kenyon Review. 28(4), 175-185 .
The Personal Trauma That is History.
The American Book Review.
Mirror Image.
The Guardian.
Slow But Sure Spun Truths Unravelled to Perfection.
The Yorkshire Post.
Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner.
A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm.
A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Praying to an Absent God: The Poetic Revealings of Simone Weil.
Culture, Theory, & Critique. 47(2), 133-147. Abstract
To Become Something Broken: Jorie Graham's Overlord.
The Kenyon Review. 28(4), Abstract
(2006). 2007
La Errancia.
El Cultural.es.
prólogo - La Errancia.
La Errancia. 7-49.
To Catch the World / at Pure Idea: Structures of Order and Disorder in Jorie Graham's Poetry.
Ideas of Order in Contemporary American Poetry.
(2007). 2008
Beauty’s Canker: On Jorie Graham.
West Branch.
'A Powerful, Strong Torrent'.
The New York Review of Books. 55(10), Abstract
Full Fathom Five.
The Guardian.
Poetry review: Jorie Graham's 'Sea Change'.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Geschichte Jetzt - Jorie Graham.
Region der Unähnlichkeit: Gedichte Amerikanisch-Deutsch. 203-217.
The Wasted Land.
The New York Times.
Imagining the Unimaginable: Jorie Graham in Conversation.
Sea Change: a review.
PM Review. Abstract
(2008). 2009
Na granicy poznania, zawsze pomiędzy – o poezji Jorie Graham.
FRAZA. NR 65-66,
Bedrock, erosion, and form: Jorie Graham and Wittgenstein.
Twentieth Century Literature. 36-57.
Sulla poesia di Jorie Graham.
L'angelo custode della piccola utopia :: Poesie scelte 1983-2005.
(2009). 2010
Instructions for Building the Arc.
(2010). 2011
Understanding Jorie Graham.
California Journal of Poetics.
(2011). 2012
Nie wolno nam utracić zdolności wychwalania.
Place: New Poems.
Center for Literary Publishing | Colorado Review.
The Suffering of Others.
Boston Review. 37(6),
Wskazówki jak zbudować arkę.