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Magazine Article
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  The Art of Poetry No. 85. The Paris Review. Abstract
Newspaper Article
Thomas, M. Wynn (2008).  Full Fathom Five. The Guardian.
Journal Article
Otten, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's ____s. PMLA. 118(2), 
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's End of Beauty and a Fresh Look at Modernism. Southwest Review. 88(2-3), 335-349.
Gardner, Thomas (2001).  American Poetry of the 1990s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 42(2), 195-205.
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  An Open, Habitable Space: Poetry 1991. Contemporary Literature. 33(4), 712-735. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  American Poetry of the 1980s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 177-190.
Book Chapter
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (1999).  An Interview with Jorie Graham. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Thomas Gardner (1999).  Jorie Graham's Incandescence. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Gardner, Thomas (2005).  Jorie Graham; Essays on the Poetry. Abstract