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Gardner, Thomas (1992).  An Open, Habitable Space: Poetry 1991. Contemporary Literature. 33(4), 712-735. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  American Poetry of the 1980s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 177-190.
Gardner, Thomas (1999).  An Interview with Jorie Graham. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Thomas Gardner (1999).  Jorie Graham's Incandescence. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Gardner, Thomas (2001).  American Poetry of the 1990s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 42(2), 195-205.
Otten, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's ____s. PMLA. 118(2), 
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's End of Beauty and a Fresh Look at Modernism. Southwest Review. 88(2-3), 335-349.
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  The Art of Poetry No. 85. The Paris Review. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (2005).  Jorie Graham; Essays on the Poetry. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Thomas, M. Wynn (2008).  Full Fathom Five. The Guardian.