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Journal Article
Baker, Timothy C. (2006).  Praying to an Absent God: The Poetic Revealings of Simone Weil. Culture, Theory, & Critique. 47(2), 133-147. Abstract
Spiegelman, Willard (2006).  Review: Jorie Graham Talking. The Kenyon Review. 28(4), 175-185 .
Magazine Article
Howe, Sarah (2008).  Sea Change: a review. PM Review. Abstract
McCabe, Susan (2006).  To Become Something Broken: Jorie Graham's Overlord. The Kenyon Review. 28(4),  Abstract
Pritchett, Patrick (2006).  The Personal Trauma That is History. The American Book Review.
Bedient, Calvin (2005).  A State of Emergency. The Boston Review.