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Williamson, Caroline (2017).  Dissecting the Apocalypse: Jorie Graham’s Sea Change. Cordite Poetry Review.
Rubén Martín (2014).  Rompiente: Prólogo de Rubén Martín . Rompiente.
Vendler, Helen (2008).  'A Powerful, Strong Torrent'. The New York Review of Books. 55(10),  Abstract
Yurkovsky, Alexandra (2008).  Poetry review: Jorie Graham's 'Sea Change'. San Francisco Chronicle.
Longenbach, James (2008).  The Wasted Land. The New York Times.
Wengen, Deidre (2008).  Imagining the Unimaginable: Jorie Graham in Conversation.
Howe, Sarah (2008).  Sea Change: a review. PM Review. Abstract