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Book Chapter
Rubén Martín (2014).  Rompiente: Prólogo de Rubén Martín . Rompiente.
Newspaper Article
Yurkovsky, Alexandra (2008).  Poetry review: Jorie Graham's 'Sea Change'. San Francisco Chronicle.
Longenbach, James (2008).  The Wasted Land. The New York Times.
Magazine Article
Vendler, Helen (2008).  'A Powerful, Strong Torrent'. The New York Review of Books. 55(10),  Abstract
Howe, Sarah (2008).  Sea Change: a review. PM Review. Abstract
Web Article
Williamson, Caroline (2017).  Dissecting the Apocalypse: Jorie Graham’s Sea Change. Cordite Poetry Review.
Wengen, Deidre (2008).  Imagining the Unimaginable: Jorie Graham in Conversation.