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Tan, Kathy-Ann (2007).  To Catch the World / at Pure Idea: Structures of Order and Disorder in Jorie Graham's Poetry. Ideas of Order in Contemporary American Poetry.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Zona, Kirstin Hotelling (2005).  American Poetry and Jorie Graham. Contemporary Literature. 46(4), 667-687.
Bedient, Calvin (2005).  Toward a Jorie Graham Lexicon. Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Karagueuzian, Catherine Sona (2005).  No Image There and the Gaze Remains: The Visual in the Work of Jorie Graham.
Klink, Joanna (2002).  To Feel an Idea. Kenyon Review. 24(1), 
Tiffany, Daniel (2001).  Lyric Substance: On Riddles, Materialism, and Poetic Obscurity. Critical Inquiry. 28(1), 
Eder, Richard (2000).  A State of Withdrawal. The New York Times.
Osborn, Andrew (2000).  Review of Swarm. Boston Review.