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Vendler, Helen (2008).  'A Powerful, Strong Torrent'. The New York Review of Books. 55(10),  Abstract
Bedient, Calvin (2005).  A State of Emergency. The Boston Review.
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  An Open, Habitable Space: Poetry 1991. Contemporary Literature. 33(4), 712-735. Abstract
Vendler, Helen (2002).  Indigo, Cyanide, Beryl: Review of Never. London Review of Books.
Yurkovsky, Alexandra (2008).  Poetry review: Jorie Graham's 'Sea Change'. San Francisco Chronicle.
Bedient, Calvin (1994).  Postlyrically Yours: A Review of Materialism. Threepenny Review.
Dan Chiasson (2012).  The Actual Hawk, the Real Tree. New York Review of Books. 59,    Download:  NY Review of Books _ PLACE _ 9.27.12.pdf 
McCabe, Susan (2006).  To Become Something Broken: Jorie Graham's Overlord. The Kenyon Review. 28(4),  Abstract
Pritchett, Patrick (2006).  The Personal Trauma That is History. The American Book Review.
Costello, Bonnie (1992).  The Big Hunger. The New Republic. 4.