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- [To] The Last [Be] Human
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- From The New World
- P L A C E
- Sea Change
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- Swarm
- Overlord
- The Errancy
- The Dream of the Unified Field
- Materialism
- Region of Unlikeness
- The End of Beauty
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- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
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- [To] The Last [Be] Human (UK)
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- il Posto (IT)
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- The Taken-Down God (UK)
- P L A C E (UK)
- Prześwity (PL)
- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
- Zwischen den Zeilen (D)
- Overlord (UK)
- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
- bibliography
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- interviews
- Interview - The New Yorker
- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
- Harvard Gazette
- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
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Found 193 results
An Extra Life - Jorie Graham's From the New World.
Boston Review.
Matthew Ritger on From the New World :: The Charges.
Los Angeles Review of Books.
Book review (Poetry): 'From the New World: Poems 1976-2014'.
Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Beautiful Lies, The poetry of Jorie Graham..
The New Yorker.
Jorie Graham’s ‘From the New World’.
The New York Times Book Review.
In Jorie’s Graham’s ‘From the New World,’ Flux Is a Whirling Constant.
The New York Times.
(2015). 2014
Letteratura e arti.
Multiple Things Happening At Once.
Tears in the Fence.
AILANTO n. 3 - Su Jorie Graham .
Corriente que fluye.
Diario Córdoba.
Poesía no apta para holgazanes.
Letres Libres.
Los distintos géneros literarios desde los que se practica la política .
El Confidencial.
Ewa Chrusciel on Jorie Graham’s “Passenger” .
Voltage Poetry.
Graham, i luoghi come riscatto.
Alias Domenica :: Supplemento Settimanale de "Il Manifesto". Download: 20140413_187373139.pdf
Jorie Graham.
Rompiente, de Jorie Graham.
De lectura Obligada.
Rompiente: Prólogo de Rubén Martín .
(2014). 2013
Review of The Taken-Down God.
The Times Literary Supplement.
The Taken-Down God: Selected Poems 1997-2008 .
Supplement to The Sunday Times.
'the many promises of vision'.
Stride Magazine.
Los sentidos son lo único que no miente.
La Vanguardia.
Poezja. 3 recenzje: Graham, Iwaszkiewicz, Kierc.
W poszukiwaniu doświadczenia między słowami.
Zielnik Jorie Graham („Prześwity”).
La poesia ricuce il mondo.
Corriere della Sera . Download: 121324389-CLAUDIO-MAGRIS-Su-Jorie-Graham-Corriere-Della-Sera-20-01-2013.pdf
Premio Nonino a Jorie Graham Il suo «Place» è poesia civile di denuncia e di speranza .
l'Unita. Download: graham_l_unita_2013.pdf
(2013). 2012
Nie wolno nam utracić zdolności wychwalania.
Place: New Poems.
Center for Literary Publishing | Colorado Review.
The Suffering of Others.
Boston Review. 37(6),
Wskazówki jak zbudować arkę.
Divided by a Common Verse: Jorie Graham Wins the Forward Poetry Prize.
The Daily Beast.
Wiersz jest doświadczeniem pierwotnym.
Place by Jorie Graham - review.
The Guardian.
The Actual Hawk, the Real Tree.
New York Review of Books. 59, Download: NY Review of Books _ PLACE _ 9.27.12.pdf
An Interview with JORIE GRAHAM.
EarthLines. jamesbibbs1989@gmx-mails.com. Download: Jorie Graham Interview.pdf
Interview: Jorie Graham's poetry.
The Spectator.
Infected by Time.
Los Angeles Review of Books.
Jorie Graham's P L A C E.
The Kenyon Review. XXXIV,
‘Place’ by Jorie Graham .
Boston Globe.
Poeta jest kanarkiem w kopalni.
Call and Response:Jorie Graham's P L A C E.
the [tk] Review.
(2012). 2011
Understanding Jorie Graham.
California Journal of Poetics.
(2011). 2010
Instructions for Building the Arc.
(2010). 2009
Na granicy poznania, zawsze pomiędzy – o poezji Jorie Graham.
FRAZA. NR 65-66,