Found 193 results

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De Zaitegui, A. Sáenz (2007).  La Errancia. El
Elisa Gabbert (2022).  An Eco-Conscious Poet Whose Real Subject Is Consciousness Itself. The New York Times Book Review.
Editor(s) (2020).  Runaway - Jorie Graham (* Starred Review). Publisher's Weekly.
Erin Lyndal Martin (2017).  The Possible Absence of a Future: Talking With Jorie Graham.
Edemariam, Aida (2017).  Jorie Graham: ‘I am living in the late season, but it has its songs, too’. The Guardian (UK).    Download:  20171201_JorieGraham_GuardianUK_Interview.pdf 
Ewa Chrusciel (2014).  Ewa Chrusciel on Jorie Graham’s “Passenger” . Voltage Poetry.
Eduardo Moga (2014).  Romper. Letres Libres.
Emma Hogan (2012).  Divided by a Common Verse: Jorie Graham Wins the Forward Poetry Prize. The Daily Beast.
Etter, Carrie (2005).  Overlord: A Review. The Liberal.
Eder, Richard (2000).  A State of Withdrawal. The New York Times.
Fan, Kit (2017).  Tremors and Electricity. The Poetry Review. 107(Autumn),    Download:  PoetryReview20170904-JorieGraham.pdf 
Francini, Antonella (2009).  Sulla poesia di Jorie Graham. L'angelo custode della piccola utopia :: Poesie scelte 1983-2005.
Frost, Elizabeth (1994).  Countering Culture. Women's Review of Books. 11, 11-12.
Frazier, Jane (1993).  Region of Unlikeness - Book Review. Literary Review. Fall 1993, Abstract
Galgano, Andrea (2017).  Il posto di Jorie Graham. Frontiera di Pagine: saggi critici di psicologia dell’arte, poesia e letteratura. 2, 793-799.   Download:  Andrea Galgano, Il posto di Jorie Graham, in Frontiera di pagine II, Aracne, Roma 2017, pp. 793-800.pdf 
Galleymore, Isabel (2017).  Posthuman Poetics. The London Magazine. Abstract    Download:  20171004101940242.pdf 
Grubisic, Katia (2012).  Wskazówki jak zbudować arkę.
Greenwell, Garth (2008).  Beauty’s Canker: On Jorie Graham. West Branch.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Gardner, Thomas (2005).  Jorie Graham; Essays on the Poetry. Abstract
Graham, Jorie (2005).  The Art of Revising - The Lives of the Poems: Twelve Drawings on Canvas by Mark Strand.
Graham, Jorie (2004).  Poets Q&A | Smartish Pace (a poetry review).
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's End of Beauty and a Fresh Look at Modernism. Southwest Review. 88(2-3), 335-349.
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  The Art of Poetry No. 85. The Paris Review. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (2001).  American Poetry of the 1990s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 42(2), 195-205.
Graham, Jorie (2001).  Introduction: Something of Moment. Ploughshares. 27/4(86), 
Gardner, Thomas (1999).  An Interview with Jorie Graham. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Gander, Forrest (1997).  Listening for a Divine Word: Review of The Errancy. The Boston Book Review.
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  An Open, Habitable Space: Poetry 1991. Contemporary Literature. 33(4), 712-735. Abstract
Gardner, Thomas (1992).  American Poetry of the 1980s: An Introduction. Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 177-190.
Graham, Jorie (1991).  Friendly Fire. University of Iowa Presidential Lectures.
Greenbaum, Jessica (1987).  Evolution. The Nation.
Huddleston, Robert (2012).  Place: New Poems. Center for Literary Publishing | Colorado Review.
Howe, Sarah (2008).  Sea Change: a review. PM Review. Abstract
Hamacher, Werner (2008).  Geschichte Jetzt - Jorie Graham. Region der Unähnlichkeit: Gedichte Amerikanisch-Deutsch. 203-217.
Heffernan, Julián Jiménez (2007).  prólogo - La Errancia. La Errancia. 7-49.
Hila Ratzabi (2006).  Nothing Mystical About It: An Interview with Jorie Graham. Lumina.
Halpern, Nick (2002).  Louise Glück and Jorie Graham. Everyday and Prophetic.
Henry, Brian (1998).  Exquisite disjunctions, exquisite arrangements: Jorie Graham's 'Strangeness of Strategy'. Antioch Review. 56(3), 
Helen Veldler (1995).  Jorie Graham: The Moment of Excess. The Breaking of Style: Hopkins, Heaney, Graham. 71-95.
Holden, Jonathan (1986).  The Contemporary Conversation Poem. Style and Authenticity in Postmodern Poetry. 33-44.
Isabel Galleymore (2013).  'the many promises of vision'. Stride Magazine.
Ingram, Claudia (2005).  Fission and Fusion Both Liberate Energy: James Merrill, Jorie Graham, and the Metaphoric Imagination. Twentieth Century Literature.
Jesse Nathan (2023).  Short Conversations with Poets: Jorie Graham. McSweeney's.
Jill Radsken (2023).  Jorie Graham confronts past, present, and future. The Harvard Gazette.
John James (2022).  Heavied with Endgame: On Jorie Graham’s “[To] the Last [Be] Human”. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Jeff Gordinier (2020).  In Jorie Graham’s Poetry, the End of Days and the Pleasures of the Flow. New York Times Book Review.
Jericho Brown, Jorie Graham (2020).  Jorie Graham presents "Runaway" with Jericho Brown (VIDEO).
Juan Marqués (2020).   “Deprisa” de Jorie Graham. LAS LIBRERÍAS RECOMIENDAN.