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- Swarm
- Overlord
- The Errancy
- The Dream of the Unified Field
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- Region of Unlikeness
- The End of Beauty
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- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
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- To 2040 (UK)
- [To] The Last [Be] Human (UK)
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- The Taken-Down God (UK)
- P L A C E (UK)
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- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
- Zwischen den Zeilen (D)
- Overlord (UK)
- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
- bibliography
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- Interview - The New Yorker
- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
- Harvard Gazette
- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
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Found 193 results
Journal Article
By Their Errata Shall Ye Know Them.
Thumbscrew. No. 12,
Exquisite disjunctions, exquisite arrangements: Jorie Graham's 'Strangeness of Strategy'.
Antioch Review. 56(3),
Jorie Graham and Ann Lauterbach: Towards a Contemporary Poetics of Eloquence.
Cream City Review. 12(Summer), 45-72.
Jorie Graham's 'New Way of Looking.
Salmagundi. 120(Fall), 244-275. Abstract
Living in the World.
Salmagundi. 120, 276-284.
Like a Chafing of the Visible.
Looking Back at the One Who Looks: Jorie Graham's Orpheus Sequence.
Religiologiques. 15(printemps),
Listening for a Divine Word: Review of The Errancy.
The Boston Book Review.
The Errancy by Jorie Graham.
Rain Taxi. 2(#3),
Desire Pronounced and / Punctuated: Lacan and the Fate of the Poetic Subject.
American Imago. 52(4), 405-437.
Iconoclasm in the Poetry of Jorie Graham.
Colby Quarterly. 31(2),
Countering Culture.
Women's Review of Books. 11, 11-12.
Postlyrically Yours: A Review of Materialism.
Threepenny Review.
The Push of Reading.
Kenyon Review. 16(4),
Region of Unlikeness - Book Review.
Literary Review. Fall 1993, Abstract
An Open, Habitable Space: Poetry 1991.
Contemporary Literature. 33(4), 712-735. Abstract
American Poetry of the 1980s: An Introduction.
Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 177-190.
Jorie Graham: Art and Erosion.
Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 373-395.
The Big Hunger.
The New Republic. 4.
Kristeva and Poetry as Shattered Signification.
Critical Inquiry. 16(4), 807-829.
(1990). Book Chapter
[To] The Last [Be] Human. xv-xix. Download: Introduction_To the Last Be Human.pdf
Il posto di Jorie Graham.
Frontiera di Pagine: saggi critici di psicologia dell’arte, poesia e letteratura. 2, 793-799. Download: Andrea Galgano, Il posto di Jorie Graham, in Frontiera di pagine II, Aracne, Roma 2017, pp. 793-800.pdf
Rompiente: Prólogo de Rubén Martín .
Sulla poesia di Jorie Graham.
L'angelo custode della piccola utopia :: Poesie scelte 1983-2005.
Geschichte Jetzt - Jorie Graham.
Region der Unähnlichkeit: Gedichte Amerikanisch-Deutsch. 203-217.
prólogo - La Errancia.
La Errancia. 7-49.
To Catch the World / at Pure Idea: Structures of Order and Disorder in Jorie Graham's Poetry.
Ideas of Order in Contemporary American Poetry.
Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner.
A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Meeting Apart: Jorie Graham's Swarm.
A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
"Tell them 'no'": Jorie Graham's Poems of Adolescence.
Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Jorie Graham's "new way of looking".
How Poets See the World: The Art of Description in Contemporary Poetry.
Toward a Jorie Graham Lexicon.
Jorie Graham: Essays on the Poetry.
Breaking and Making: Review of Swarm.
A Boundless Field: American Poetry at Large.
Louise Glück and Jorie Graham.
Everyday and Prophetic.
An Interview with Jorie Graham.
Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Jorie Graham's Incandescence.
Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Jorie Graham's Big Hunger.
Modern Poetry After Modernism.
Jorie Graham: The Nameless and the Material.
The Given and the Made: Strategies of Poetic Redefinition. 91-130.
Jorie Graham: The Moment of Excess.
The Breaking of Style: Hopkins, Heaney, Graham. 71-95.
The Contemporary Conversation Poem.
Style and Authenticity in Postmodern Poetry. 33-44.
(1986). Book