Found 193 results

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Christopher Kempf (2023).  Jorie Graham: To 2040. Preposition.
Christian Wessels (2023).  Just Now and Gone: On Jorie Graham’s “To 2040”. Cleveland Review of Books.
Jill Radsken (2023).  Jorie Graham confronts past, present, and future. The Harvard Gazette.
Carol Muske-Dukes (2023).  Jorie Graham, looking to the future, has a warning for us. The Washington Post.
Jericho Brown, Jorie Graham (2020).  Jorie Graham presents "Runaway" with Jericho Brown (VIDEO).
Santos Domínguez (2020).  Jorie Graham. Deprisa. ENCUENTROS DE LECTURAS.
Alberto FRACCACRETA (2019).  Jorie Graham: «La poesia e le seduzioni del postumano». Avvenire.    Download:  Avvenire - Interview of 24 settembre 2019.pdf 
Andrew Osborn (2019).  Jorie Graham, Fast. Chicago Review. 62(01/02/03), 
Adam Fitzgerald (2017).  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation. The New York Times Book Review.    Download:  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation - The New York Times.pdf 
Edemariam, Aida (2017).  Jorie Graham: ‘I am living in the late season, but it has its songs, too’. The Guardian (UK).    Download:  20171201_JorieGraham_GuardianUK_Interview.pdf 
Craig Morgan Teicher (2015).  Jorie Graham’s ‘From the New World’. The New York Times Book Review.
Marco Denti (2014).  Jorie Graham. BooksHighway.
Weston Cutter (2012).  Jorie Graham's P L A C E. The Kenyon Review. XXXIV,
Spiegelman, Willard (2005).  Jorie Graham's "new way of looking". How Poets See the World: The Art of Description in Contemporary Poetry.
Gardner, Thomas (2005).  Jorie Graham; Essays on the Poetry. Abstract
Byrne, Edward (2004).  Jorie Graham: Never. Valparaiso Poetry Review. 5,
Otten, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's ____s. PMLA. 118(2), 
Gardner, Thomas (2003).  Jorie Graham's End of Beauty and a Fresh Look at Modernism. Southwest Review. 88(2-3), 335-349.
anon. (2002).  Jorie Graham (1950 - ). Poetry Foundation. Abstract
Thomas Gardner (1999).  Jorie Graham's Incandescence. Regions of Unlikeness: Explaining Contemporary Poetry.
Altieri, Charles (1998).  Jorie Graham and Ann Lauterbach: Towards a Contemporary Poetics of Eloquence. Cream City Review. 12(Summer), 45-72.
Spiegelman, Willard (1998).  Jorie Graham's 'New Way of Looking. Salmagundi. 120(Fall), 244-275. Abstract
James Longenbach (1997).  Jorie Graham's Big Hunger. Modern Poetry After Modernism.
Vendler, Helen (1995).  Jorie Graham: The Nameless and the Material. The Given and the Made: Strategies of Poetic Redefinition. 91-130.
Helen Veldler (1995).  Jorie Graham: The Moment of Excess. The Breaking of Style: Hopkins, Heaney, Graham. 71-95.
Costello, Bonnie (1992).  Jorie Graham: Art and Erosion. Contemporary Literature. 33(2), 373-395.
Jeff Gordinier (2020).  In Jorie Graham’s Poetry, the End of Days and the Pleasures of the Flow. New York Times Book Review.
Sarah Howe (2017).  Interview with Jorie Graham. PRAC CRIT.
Galgano, Andrea (2017).  Il posto di Jorie Graham. Frontiera di Pagine: saggi critici di psicologia dell’arte, poesia e letteratura. 2, 793-799.   Download:  Andrea Galgano, Il posto di Jorie Graham, in Frontiera di pagine II, Aracne, Roma 2017, pp. 793-800.pdf 
Dwight Gardner (2015).  In Jorie’s Graham’s ‘From the New World,’ Flux Is a Whirling Constant. The New York Times.
Calvin Bedient (2012).  Infected by Time. Los Angeles Review of Books.
JP O'Malley (2012).  Interview: Jorie Graham's poetry. The Spectator.
Katia Grubisic (2010).  Instructions for Building the Arc. Fiddlehead.
Wengen, Deidre (2008).  Imagining the Unimaginable: Jorie Graham in Conversation.
Gardner, Thomas (2006).  Interview with Jorie Graham - Thomas Gardner. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.
Vendler, Helen (2002).  Indigo, Cyanide, Beryl: Review of Never. London Review of Books.
Graham, Jorie (2001).  Introduction: Something of Moment. Ploughshares. 27/4(86), 
Longenbach, James (1997).  Identity, Vision, Style. The Nation. 265(3), 
Shifrer, Anne (1995).  Iconoclasm in the Poetry of Jorie Graham. Colby Quarterly. 31(2), 
John James (2022).  Heavied with Endgame: On Jorie Graham’s “[To] the Last [Be] Human”. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Lau, David (2017).  Here There Be Monsters. Bookforum. 024(03),  Abstract    Download:  BF 917 Lau.pdf 
Caterina Ricciardi (2014).  Graham, i luoghi come riscatto. Alias Domenica :: Supplemento Settimanale de "Il Manifesto".    Download:  20140413_187373139.pdf 
Hamacher, Werner (2008).  Geschichte Jetzt - Jorie Graham. Region der Unähnlichkeit: Gedichte Amerikanisch-Deutsch. 203-217.
JUSTIN COBER-LAKE (2018).  Fast: by Jorie Graham. Graham continues her run as one of the poets with whom we most need to reckon..
Justin Cober-Lake (2018).  Fast: by Jorie Graham. Spectrum Culture.
Thomas, M. Wynn (2008).  Full Fathom Five. The Guardian.
Ingram, Claudia (2005).  Fission and Fusion Both Liberate Energy: James Merrill, Jorie Graham, and the Metaphoric Imagination. Twentieth Century Literature.
Logan, William (2002).  Falls the shadow. The New Criterion. 20,
Graham, Jorie (1991).  Friendly Fire. University of Iowa Presidential Lectures.
Antonio ORTEGA (2020).  Enfermedad planetaria. EL PAÍS. Abstract