Found 193 results

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Emma Hogan (2012).  Divided by a Common Verse: Jorie Graham Wins the Forward Poetry Prize. The Daily Beast.
Biedrzycki, Miłosz, Chruściel, Ewa (2012).  Wiersz jest doświadczeniem pierwotnym.
Sean O'Brien (2012).  Place by Jorie Graham - review. The Guardian.
Dan Chiasson (2012).  The Actual Hawk, the Real Tree. New York Review of Books. 59,    Download:  NY Review of Books _ PLACE _ 9.27.12.pdf 
Sharon Blackie: (2012).  An Interview with JORIE GRAHAM. EarthLines.   Download:  Jorie Graham Interview.pdf 
JP O'Malley (2012).  Interview: Jorie Graham's poetry. The Spectator.
Calvin Bedient (2012).  Infected by Time. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Weston Cutter (2012).  Jorie Graham's P L A C E. The Kenyon Review. XXXIV,
Michael Andor Brodeur (2012).  ‘Place’ by Jorie Graham . Boston Globe.
Chruściel, Ewa (2012).  Poeta jest kanarkiem w kopalni.
Jennifer N. Kurdyla (2012).  Call and Response:Jorie Graham's P L A C E. the [tk] Review.
Oli Hazzard (2013).  Review of The Taken-Down God. The Times Literary Supplement.
Jeremy Noel-Tod (2013).  The Taken-Down God: Selected Poems 1997-2008 . Supplement to The Sunday Times.
Isabel Galleymore (2013).  'the many promises of vision'. Stride Magazine.
Josep Massot (2013).  Los sentidos son lo único que no miente. La Vanguardia.
Roś, Joanna (2013).  Poezja. 3 recenzje: Graham, Iwaszkiewicz, Kierc.
Chaberski, Mateusz (2013).  W poszukiwaniu doświadczenia między słowami.
Pieczek, Urszula (2013).  Zielnik Jorie Graham („Prześwity”).
Talik, Magdalena (2013).  Czekam na tę kolejną chwilę. Spotkanie Jorie Graham podczas Portu Literackiego. Kreatywnywroclaw.
Lekarczyk-Cisek, Barbara (2013).  Tajemnicze światy Jorie Graham – o tomiku wierszy Prześwity. Abstract
Szymański, Michał (2013).  12 NOTATEK O JORIE GRAHAM.
Claudio Magris (2013).  La poesia ricuce il mondo. Corriere della Sera .    Download:  121324389-CLAUDIO-MAGRIS-Su-Jorie-Graham-Corriere-Della-Sera-20-01-2013.pdf 
Antonella Francini (2013).  Premio Nonino a Jorie Graham Il suo «Place» è poesia civile di denuncia e di speranza . l'Unita.    Download:  graham_l_unita_2013.pdf 
Woźniak, Maciej (2013).  Przepraszam, czy nie przechodziło tędy ludzkie pojęcie?. WAKAT.
Tiziana de Rogatis (2014).  Letteratura e arti. allegoria.
Oliver Dixon (2014).  Multiple Things Happening At Once. Tears in the Fence.
Roberto Deidier (2014).   AILANTO n. 3 - Su Jorie Graham .
Antonio Luis Ginés (2014).  Corriente que fluye. Diario Córdoba.
Ángel Rupérez (2014).  Poesía no apta para holgazanes. EL PAÍS.
Eduardo Moga (2014).  Romper. Letres Libres.
Marta Sans (2014).  Los distintos géneros literarios desde los que se practica la política . El Confidencial.
Ewa Chrusciel (2014).  Ewa Chrusciel on Jorie Graham’s “Passenger” . Voltage Poetry.
Caterina Ricciardi (2014).  Graham, i luoghi come riscatto. Alias Domenica :: Supplemento Settimanale de "Il Manifesto".    Download:  20140413_187373139.pdf 
Marco Denti (2014).  Jorie Graham. BooksHighway.
Manuel García Pérez (2014).  Rompiente, de Jorie Graham. De lectura Obligada.
Rubén Martín (2014).  Rompiente: Prólogo de Rubén Martín . Rompiente.
Katie Peterson (2015).  An Extra Life - Jorie Graham's From the New World. Boston Review.
Matthew Ritger (2015).  Matthew Ritger on From the New World :: The Charges. Los Angeles Review of Books.
Christian Harder (2015).   Book review (Poetry): 'From the New World: Poems 1976-2014'. Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Dan Chiasson (2015).  Beautiful Lies, The poetry of Jorie Graham.. The New Yorker.
Craig Morgan Teicher (2015).  Jorie Graham’s ‘From the New World’. The New York Times Book Review.
Dwight Gardner (2015).  In Jorie’s Graham’s ‘From the New World,’ Flux Is a Whirling Constant. The New York Times.
Jonathon Sturgeon (2015).  Poetry Is a Virus That Can Save the World: On Jorie Graham’s ‘From the New World’.
Bernard, April (2016).  The Dream Behind the Wall of Words. The New York Review of Books. 62(OCTOBER 13), 
Edemariam, Aida (2017).  Jorie Graham: ‘I am living in the late season, but it has its songs, too’. The Guardian (UK).    Download:  20171201_JorieGraham_GuardianUK_Interview.pdf 
Galleymore, Isabel (2017).  Posthuman Poetics. The London Magazine. Abstract    Download:  20171004101940242.pdf 
Lau, David (2017).  Here There Be Monsters. Bookforum. 024(03),  Abstract    Download:  BF 917 Lau.pdf 
Fan, Kit (2017).  Tremors and Electricity. The Poetry Review. 107(Autumn),    Download:  PoetryReview20170904-JorieGraham.pdf 
Duffy, Timothy (2017).  “No, this was all first person”: Revisiting Jorie Graham’s Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts. Empty Mirror.
Christopher Nelson (2017).  A Review of Jorie Graham’s fast. Under a Warm Green Linden.