- books
- To 2040
- [To] The Last [Be] Human
- fast
- Runaway
- From The New World
- P L A C E
- Sea Change
- Never
- Swarm
- Overlord
- The Errancy
- The Dream of the Unified Field
- Materialism
- Region of Unlikeness
- The End of Beauty
- Erosion
- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
- Earth Took of Earth
- The Best of American Poetry 1990
- All Things
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- To A Friend Going Blind
- In the Pasture
- international editions
- To 2040 (UK)
- [To] The Last [Be] Human (UK)
- Collected Works - (CN)
- Runaway (UK)
- Deprisa (ES)
- il Posto (IT)
- Rompiente (ES)
- The Taken-Down God (UK)
- P L A C E (UK)
- Prześwity (PL)
- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
- Zwischen den Zeilen (D)
- Overlord (UK)
- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
- bibliography
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- interviews
- Interview - The New Yorker
- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
- Harvard Gazette
- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
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Overlord: Poems
March 2005
112 pages
$22.95 (HARDCOVER)/£9.95 (Trade PB)
Ecco Press/Carcanet
:: selected poetry from Overlord ::
Purchase this book: [USA] [UK / EU]What does it mean to be fully present in a human life? How -- in the face of the carnage of war, the no longer merely threatened destruction of the natural world, the faceless threat of spiritual oversimplification and reactive fear -- does one retain one's capacity to be both present and responsive? And to what extent does our capacity to be present, to be fully ourselves, depend on our relationship to an other and our understanding of and engagement with otherness itself? With what forces does the sheer act of apprehending make us complicit? What powers lord over us and what do we, as a species, and as souls, lord over?
These are among the questions Jorie Graham, in her most personal and urgent collection to date, undertakes to explore, often from a vantage point geographically, as well as historically, other. Many of the poems take place along the coastline known as Omaha Beach in Normandy, and move between visions of that beach during the Allied invasion of Europe (whose code name was Operation Overlord) and that landscape of beaches, fields, and hedgerows as it is known to the speaker today. In every sense the work meditates on our new world, ghosted by, and threatened by, competing descriptions of the past, the future, and what it means to be, as individuals, and as a people, "free."