- books
- To 2040
- [To] The Last [Be] Human
- fast
- Runaway
- From The New World
- P L A C E
- Sea Change
- Never
- Swarm
- Overlord
- The Errancy
- The Dream of the Unified Field
- Materialism
- Region of Unlikeness
- The End of Beauty
- Erosion
- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
- Earth Took of Earth
- The Best of American Poetry 1990
- All Things
- The Lives of the Poems
- Photographs & Poems
- To A Friend Going Blind
- In the Pasture
- international editions
- To 2040 (UK)
- [To] The Last [Be] Human (UK)
- Collected Works - (CN)
- Runaway (UK)
- Deprisa (ES)
- il Posto (IT)
- Rompiente (ES)
- The Taken-Down God (UK)
- P L A C E (UK)
- Prześwity (PL)
- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
- Zwischen den Zeilen (D)
- Overlord (UK)
- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
- bibliography
- biography
- interviews
- Interview - The New Yorker
- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
- Harvard Gazette
- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
- prose
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The Taken-Down God
Selected Poems 1997–2008
May 2013
196 pages
Carcanet Poetry (an Imprint of Carcanet Press)
:: selected poetry from The Taken-Down God ::
Purchase this book: [USA] [UK / EU] [ebook]
Everything unpreventable and excited like
mornings in the unknown future. Who shall repair this now. And how the future
takes shape
too quickly. The permanent is ebbing. Is leaving
nothing in the way of
trails, they are blown over, grasses shoot up, life disturbing life…
Acclaimed as one of America’s most passionate and intelligent innovators, Jorie Graham writes poems of luminous formal beauty. Here she selects from the full range of her five most recent books, presenting European readers with a coherent and compelling body of work. The book complements her Pulitzer Prize-winning The Dream of the Unified Field (1996), which selected work from her first five books. Jorie Graham’s poems address a planet spinning towards an unknowable future. They challenge us to inhabit a more responsive and responsible place in language and the world. Her poetry is as urgent as it is essential.