in english
from the Academy of American Poets
  • Jorie Graham's archive page features a biography, bibliography, and selected poems
Poetry Foundation
the on-line home of the Poetry Foundation
  • Jorie Graham's archive page features a biography, bibliography, and selected poems
London Review of Books
  • Contributor Page
New Yorker
  • Contributor Page
"...unfiltered interviews with today's leading thinkers, movers and shakers."
  • Jorie Graham reads Later in Life, speaks about the internet and how it has changed language and talks about how America sees the planet...
1996 Pulitzer Prizes | Poetry
for a distinguished volume of original verse by an American Author
  • Jorie Graham's 1996 award for The Dream of the Unified Field

en español

una revisión de La Errancia
El Cultural

in italiano

Una piazza per la Poesia
Guingo 2009
Libreria Treves

w języku polskim

Wiersz jest doświadczeniem pierwotnym. Rozmowa z Jorie Graham

im Deutsch
Darunter (11)

Urs Engeler Editor
Aus: Zwischen den Zeilen, Heft 27